2022年4月2日—地中海減醣料理:哈佛健康餐盤,88道全家幸福共享的地中海優食提案.羅勻吟.創意市集.9789860769678.私廚料理技巧首度公開x風行全球最佳飲食法 ...
自序用美味,創造美好關係地中海減醣飲食,享受美好人生哈佛健康餐盤,輕鬆享瘦的秘訣CHAPTER I RUSH HOUR沙拉與蔬食芝麻葉烤豆腐南瓜沙拉Arugula, roasted pumpkin and tofu salad 甜菜根茴香柳橙費塔起司沙拉Beetroot, fennel and orange salad with feta cheese羽衣甘藍鮮蝦佐酪梨醬沙拉Kale and pan fried-shrimp salad with avocado dressing綜合彩虹蔬果與糙米鷹嘴豆Rainbow veggie chickpea salad with poach eggs and brown rice蘿蔓彩椒雞胸肉毛豆仁沙拉Romaine lettuce, peppers, edamame and chicken breast salad蝦仁開心果費塔起司櫛瓜麵Zucchini noodles with shrimps, feta cheese and pistachios in shrimp bisque羅勒絲瓜燴蛋與綠扁豆Sauteed loofah, eggs and lentils with basil番茄燴茄子與帕瑪森起司Sauteed tomatoes and eggplants with parmigiano reggiano炸櫛瓜花佐番紅花希臘優格Deep fried zucchini flowers with saffron yogurt炙烤香草奶油煙燻紅椒粉白花椰菜Roasted cauliflower with chili, smoked paprika and mixed herbs butter
湯品毛豆仁薄荷湯 Edamame mint soup綜合時蔬羽衣甘藍湯Italian ribollita義大利肉丸子蔬菜湯Minestra maritata
麵食煙花女義大利麵 Spaghetti alla puttanesca芥藍洋蔥醬培根貓耳朵麵Orecchiette with Chinese kale onion sauce透抽烏魚子墨魚義大利麵Spaghetti al nero di seppia with grilled squids and bottarga檸檬蝦義大利麵Spaghet...