Labor Standards Act

TheActisenactedtoprovideminimumstandardsforworkingconditions,protectworkers'rightsandinterests,strengthenemployee-employerrelationships ...

Labor Standards Act

Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions

Article 1

The Act is enacted to provide minimum standards for working conditions, protect workers rights and interests, strengthen employee-employer relationships and promote social and economic development. Matters not provided for herein shall be governed by other applicable statutes. The terms and conditions of any agreement between an employer and a worker shall not be below the minimum standards provided herein.

Article 2

The terms used in the Act shall be defined as follows: 1. Worker means a person who is hired by an employer to work for wages. 2. Employer means a business entity which hires workers, the responsible person of business operations, or the person who represents the business owner in handling labor matters. 3. Wage means the remuneration which a worker ...


法務部廉政署【Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice 2020 Annual Report】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:成人(學術性)
