
此外,葉嘉瑩教授在《中國詞學的現代觀》,也有相關闡述。不過,詩與詞在表達方面,為何有如此差別?在審美「境界」中是否可以會通?抑或區隔?本文 ...


To see similarities in differences and to see differences in similarities are the necessary steps towards humanity education. Wang Guo-wei is the one who demonstrates this idea most deliberately. In the book “Ren—jian-cih-hua,” abridged Volume 12”, he stated that “The body of lyric must be concise and precise, must say what poetry cannot say, and must not explain what poetry can say. Poetry is for width and lyric is for length.” In other words, poetry has its own state and lyric has its own aura. Take the poetry and lyric in Ren-jian-cih-hua for example. The characteristic beauties of these two genres have something in common and also something different. The recent scholar, Mr. Mo-ye, in the book “The Discussion of Poetry and Lyric— the Discussion of Lyric,” points out that poetry is overt while lyric is covert, that poetry is straight while lyric is tactful, and that poetry is ...


