Members of the Legislative Yuan

OnAugust23rd,2004,aconstitutionalamendmentwaspassedintheLegislativeYuan,secondedintheNationalAssemblyonJune7th,2005,andpromulgated ...

Members of the Legislative Yuan

On August 23rd, 2004 , a constitutional amendment was passed in the Legislative Yuan, seconded in the National Assembly on June 7th, 2005, and promulgated by the State President on June 10th. It stipulates that starting from the Seventh Legislative Yuan, the number of members shall be changed to113, of which 73 shall be elected from special municipalities, counties and cities. At least one member shall be elected from each county and city. 3 members each shall be elected from among the lowland and highland aborigines; 34 seats shall be allotted to at-large and overseas compatriot members. The single-district, two-vote system is adopted, meaning only one member shall be elected from each constituency, and that voters cast one ballot for a district member and another for a political party. Constituencies are redistricted so that their number corresponds with the number allotted to ...


法務部廉政署【Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice 2020 Annual Report】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:成人(學術性)
