2.外國學生因畢業、休學及退學,移民署廢止其居留許可,處分書上載明請當事人將居留證繳回移民署各服務站,目的是為減少無效之晶片居留證在外流通,以及當事人誤持憑再從 ...
答覆1.確定外國學生 、港澳學生畢業、休學及退學後,學校應即通報外交部領事事務局及內政部移民署,移民署將註銷其居留證。
After confirming that the foreign students, students from Hong Kong or Macao have graduated, suspended or withdrawal, the school should notify the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior. The National Immigration Agency will cancel their alien resident certificates.2. 外國學生因畢業、休學及退學,移民署廢止其居留許可,處分書上載明請當事人將居留證繳回移民署各服務站,目的是為減少無效之晶片居留證在外流通,以及當事人誤持憑再從國外搭機來臺。未繳回雖不影響該外國學生入境,惟仍請學校協助宣導。另外國學生應於移民署廢止其居留許可處分書送達後 10 日內離境,以免逾期受罰。
For the cancellation of the student’s alien resident certificate due to graduation, suspension and withdrawal from university, the National Immigration Agency’s written statement on cancelling alien resident certificates stated that the party is requested to return the alien resident certificate to the service stations of the National Immigration Agency for the purpose of reducing the nu...