由邱彥程著作·2020—...捷運系統土地聯合開發辦法」發布實施後,臺北市政府捷運工程局據以辦理捷運聯合開發作業迄今,...摘要.自民國79年「大眾捷運系統 ...
Since the public notice of “Regulations for the Joint Development of Land Adjacent to or Contiguous with Rapid Transit System” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations for the Joint Development Land) was announced and enforced in 1990, DORTS has managed joint development projects based on the regulations and completed 62 joint development projects so far. Because of complicated working tasks and incomplete initial law and principle during the period which is from the site evaluation to the management of a completed joint development building, those cause development period too long and make landowners file complaints against the competent authorities. Moreover, assessments for land to be used, rezoning, and land acquisition, which substantially affected landowners’ rights and interests, the task of joint development projects concerns a wide range of laws and regulations. Recently, the Control Yuan issued investigatory ...