由沈碧恕著作·2021—臺東縣政府為配合國家重大建設、推動縣政發展,辦理正射影像製作及數值地形測量作業,建置高精度1/1000地形圖、1m數值高程模型、高解析10cm正射影像、全島精緻3D建模, ...
For the purpose of national construction and countys development, Taitung County Land Administration Department launches an integrated project of orthophoto production and digital terrain surveying, providing various spatial data, including 1/1000 map、1m DEM、10cm orthophoto, and whole-island 3D model, which can aid different tasks in Taitung County, such as cadastral survey, tourism planning, slope hazard prevention, civil construction, and land use planning.
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