Standard Form Contracts

Themostcommonstandardformcontractsareinsurancecompanycontracts,contractsassociatedwiththepurchaseofawashingmachine,signingupfore-mail, ...

Standard Form Contracts

Introduction to Standard Form Contracts In layman language, a standard form of contract is a take it or leave it kind of contract. Here one party formulates all the terms and conditions, thereby reducing the complexity and number of procedures associated with drafting individual agreements every single time. The other party is not given an opportunity to negotiate. The party can either enter into the contract or opt-out of it. With a rise in business activities and trade worldwide, there is a need to enter into a contract more than ever. The most common standard form contracts are insurance company contracts, contracts associated with the purchase of a washing machine, signing up for e-mail, websites, etc.

Nature of Standard Form Contracts A standard form contract does not provide room for any negotiations. It is entered into between partners with unequal bargaining powers. Strictly speaking, these are legally binding agreements entere...


