
由MHWang著作·2008·被引用17次—相對於西部泰雅族,太魯閣部落受到日本人遷村影響甚大,原部落被打散分到各地,現今部落由許多不同來源組成,部落的整體性尚未建立,gaya也未制度化,當地人以gaya指涉人和 ...


In this paper, I have examined the ethnic classification based on the Japanese colonial background in the first part. Secondly, I have discussed the process of the Truku Name Rectification Campaign and the standards of definition of an ethnic group proposed by the leaders of the campaign. These standards reflect the objective classification in contemporary society; therefore, the ”objective” standards led to many conflicts. In order to understand the name rectification campaign, understanding the Taiwanese political and economical background is necessary. On the one hand, the government in power supported the ethnic group campaign to highlight that Taiwan is a country with multiple ethnic groups or to gain votes. On the other hand, elite aboriginals could participate in politics and increase the numbers of members in Congress. Also, they could promote a self-governing movement to...


桃園市政府教育局【看見 ~ 太魯閣 Qqita ~ alang Truku】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:兒童(6-12歲)
