Occupational Safety and Health Act

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Occupational Safety and Health Act

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

This Act is enacted to protect workers’ safety and health and to prevent occupational accidents; if otherwise provided by other applicable act, the provisions of that other act shall prevail.

Article 2

The terms used in this Act are defined as follows:1. The term “workers” referred to in this Act means laborers, self-employed workers, or other people engaged in work and directed or supervised by the responsible people in workplaces.2. The term “laborers” referred to in this Act means people employed to work for wages.3. The term “employers” referred to in this Act means the owners of business entities, or the people in positions of managerial responsibility for such business entities.4. The term "business entities" referred to in this Act means entities falling within the scope of this Act, which employ laborers to perform work.5. The terms “occupational accidents” referred to in this Act mean ...
