
出進口廠商登記新制上路(詳如下方注意事項)NewRegistrationSystemSetUpforImportersandExporters(DetailsoftheNotesbelow).查詢擬用英文名稱.Self-check ...


References List of Famous Trademarks and Case Analysis (topic.tipo.gov.tw) Trademark Search System (twtmsearch.tipo.gov.tw) 1. The name for which the registration is being applied shall consist of the main name together with the type of company. The English name for the branch of a foreign company must indicate both the foreign companys national origin and the fact that it is a branch of that company. 2. The English name of an exporter/importer shall not be identical to the English name of another exporter/importer, either existing or whose registration has been canceled, revoked or nullified by the TITA within the last two years, unless special approval is obtained from the TITA based on justifiable reasons or if the Englis...




經濟部國際貿易局【會展英文= English essentials for the MICE industry】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:成人(業餘消遺)
