Drilling and production

Ourtechnologyusesoil,gasandwater-basedchemicaltracerstoprovideatrueunderstandingofreservoirfluidflowpathways.Ithashelpedoilcompanies ...

Drilling and production

A reservoir of knowledge

Our technology uses oil, gas and water-based chemical tracers to provide a true understanding of reservoir fluid flow pathways. It has helped oil companies continuously monitor their reservoir and optimise drilling, completion and oil development strategies to maximise oil production in thousands of wells globally.

In both conventional and non-conventional reservoirs, our chemical tracer technology[1] provides critical fluid flow information, accurately measuring water, gas and oil flow.

See our full range of chemical tracer services below.

References tracer technology (www.tracerco.com)


苗栗縣政府文化觀光局【Trace of the Oil,Journey of the Industries-Guidebook】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:成人(學術性)
