Google 地球

透過新版Google地球,隨時隨地製作沉浸式資料導向地圖,並與他人協作。運用高解析度衛星圖像鳥瞰全世界、探索數百個城市的3D地形和建築物,並以街景服務的360度視角 ...

Google 地球

Syd Waters

Google Earth used to work well, except for street names being shown. Currently, when I click the little street view dude, no blue highlighted roads show up, anywhere for any street. Also, street names and other labels dont show up even when the option to "show all" is turned on. Off or on its just as blank. Google Maps works fine, but I prefer to use Earth. Google maps only when I need directions not for exploring. Did Google disable street view?

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