本文從保存意識、保存對象、保存法令與實際行動等,探討臺灣自19世紀後半期迄今的文化資產保存歷程。清代臺灣已有古蹟的觀念,但僅存在於地方志中的文人雅士的吟詠感嘆 ...
The article aim s to investigate the history and conservation of cultural heritage in Taiwan since the late 19th century, with conservation awareness, subject eligibility , legislative laws, and execution as the key axes of discussion. While the concept of a historical site was already prevalent during the Qing dynasty, it belonged to a more esoteric crowd where its studies and discourses were echoed only in literature and collected essays; the government had not invested any commendable effort beyond the theoretical studies. In the era of Japanese colonial rule, the government led the old habit investigation and various similar academic researches like the Three Hundred Years of Formosas Culture, which subsequently inspired the legalization of cultural heritage preservation in 1922. In 1933, the Preservation of Historical, Famous, and Natural Sites and Monuments Act led the induction of eligible historical sites, but the...