Central government

AcademiaSinicaandAcademiaHistoricaareunderthedirectadministrativesupervisionoftheOfficeofthePresident.TheExecutiveYuanisthenation's ...

Central government

The Legislative Yuan, the highest legislative organ of this Country, exercises legislative power on behalf of the people. Beginning with the Seventh Legislative Yuan, the Legislative Yuan shall have 113 members. The members of the Legislative Yuan shall serve a term of four years, which is renewable after re-election. The distribution of the Legislative seats is as follows: (1) Seventy-three members shall be elected from the Special Municipalities, counties, and cities in the free area. At least one member shall be elected from each county or city. Members for the seats shall be elected in proportion to the population of each Special Municipality, county, or city, which shall be divided into electoral constituencies equal in number with the members to be elected; (2) Three members each shall be elected from among the lowland and highland aborigines in the free area; (3) A total of 34 members shall be elected from the ...


法務部廉政署【Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice 2020 Annual Report】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:成人(學術性)
