Taiwanisranked23of145outofthecountriesconsideredfortheannualGlobalFirepowerreview.ThenationholdsaPowerIndexscoreof0.3639withascore ...
Taiwan is ranked 23 of 145 out of the countries considered for the annual Global Firepower review. The nation holds a Power Index score of 0.3639 with a score ...
Taiwan military powerWorld military rankingChina military powerVietnam military strengthNational power rankingarmed forces中文Japan military powerTurkey military powerarmed中文armed forces槍armed forces day中文Armed forcesArmed forces General HospitalArmed Forces DayArmed Forces AAMilitaryTaiwan military powerWorld military rankingChina military powerVietnam military strengthNational power rankingarmed forces中文Japan military powerTurkey military power
國防部【ROC National Defense Report 2021】出版書本詳細資訊-適用對象:青少年;成人(學術性);成人(業餘消遺)